Public Relations


Build Credibility, Increase Sales, Connect to People, and much more


Let's talk
Public Relations

Our ability to proven PR tactics with creative thinking and innovative approaches enables us to produce better results than our competitors.

We regularly garner positive media coverage in the world’s leading media outlets. We have expertise in understanding what editors, producers, reporters and bloggers want, and know how to craft compelling stories that are newsworthy. We know how to create the news value needed to secure the greatest quantity and quality of media coverage possible. And we know how to work with the media to get the results our clients want.

PR for a changing media landscape

PR for a changing media landscape

Great PR knows how to cut through the clamor and build affection for your brand. But in a noisy and often cynical digital world, the old ways aren’t always effective.

Today, PR is still story-driven, but storytelling is constantly evolving with the changing moods and innovations of digital. Success brings visibility and engagement, but those that can’t meet audience expectations risk getting lost in the fray.

As digital natives and natural storytellers, the MakeMaya approaches digital PR with a deep understanding of the online landscape and a keen eye for consumer behavior. We add original research, a focus on results, and

an enthusiasm for creative, contagious content, to produce PR that actually works.

An eye on the origin

Always Agile

Research Driven

Understanding your audience

Identifying and growing meaningful metrices

Focused on Measurement

Strategy implementation

Public Relations Strategy

  • Strategic planning to maximize media coverage for positive business activities and minimize coverage for negative activities
  • Creation of strategic PR and marketing plans aimed at achieving business results
  • Media coverage analysis – in-depth analyses of past media coverage
  • Media training of company officials for interviews and events
  • Writing and editing materials including: press releases, web copy, company brochures, annual reports, speeches, biographies and fact sheets
  • Developing key messages for target audiences
  • Media kit development – FAQs, backgrounders, bios
Public Relations Strategy

Putting an ear to the ground

Landscape Analysis

Media list creation

Buliding out contacts

Making the connection



Public Relations Execution

  • Media relations — generating news and obtaining media coverage that will influence your target audience to take action and will increase name recognition, credibility, and visibility
  • Product placements
  • Crisis communications counseling, preparation, and implementation
  • Influencer marketing and blogger relations
  • Event planning and execution including theme and concept creation, media outreach and promotion of event
  • Investor relations, IPO, mergers and acquisitions counseling, preparation, and implementation

You can see Keith’s entire presentation here

Public Relations Execution

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